Honora World Musings & Mutterings

I muse . . . I mutter . . . Therefore, I am.

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Location: Pacific Northwest, United States

Monday, December 11, 2006

Party Pics

Pictures from the great Housewarming (for me)/Homecoming (for Brian & Anne)/Holiday "Ugly Ornament" Contest party of December 2006. More pics can be seen at my friend Lorelle's website. If anyone has more pics, send 'em my way and I'll add them.

Honora & Mark (former neighbor)

Jesse & Marcy, our former neighbor. Kamal's Katie in blue dress at table.

Bottom left: Natalie, Isaac, Carter & Gregory - my former neighbors (Mark & Marcy's kids) and (I think) Jennifer's Cedar in blue sweatshirt. Upper left: Friend of Anne's (seated - don't remember name); Sabra (white sweater) and her friend Lois, Alice peering out from behind. Center: Tara in purple. Upper Right: Anna (blonde); Rachel holding camera up; Geni (red hair) with Hosie's V just behind; Jennifer (in black) and Kirsten next to her. Amy F. sitting with my daughter between her and Kirsten. Foreground: Delores (in bronze).

Background: Tara holding camera, Anna, Hosie's V (near door), Geni (red hair) Kirsten, Amy F. with my daughter peeking out from behind her, Maeve (neighbor May's daughter) and Rory (her husband), and Geni's John (in chair). Foreground: Delores (in bronze blouse) and Susan (camelama).



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